Misty Kelischek is renowned for her captivating artwork, featuring the unique presence of bubbles, within her self-styled "Magical Realism" genre. Raised in Appalachia amidst nature and religious teachings, she found inspiration for her signature style. Beginning her artistic journey in 2002, she was drawn to folk art, which made painting accessible and emotive.  In an interview with Artsville she shares about the moment she really noticed blue birds, noting that flash of brilliant blue flitting by and asking herself, “Was that always there? How have I missed that?”  This led to putting up a box at her house for the birds to nest, which led to her first primitive painting of a bird.

St. Peregrina, Patron Saint of Sugar Water and Aggression
Ruby Throated Hummingbird painting created with oil paint and gold leaf on Arches paper.

Kelischek's unique aesthetic, a fusion of Old-World chiaroscuro and whimsical elements, resonates with a unique audience. She shares how her use of bubbles is a way she connects a level of spirituality to her work and adds another layer of movement to her pieces. Misty is open and transparent about her journey, balancing her artistic pursuits with a teaching job at a community college. Kelischek's deliberate approach to her craft and patience in achieving her goals reflect her commitment to enjoying the creative process while building towards a future where art becomes her full-time occupation.

St. Darnell, Patron Saint of Storage, Pink Noses and Cheerios
Mouse painting created with oil paint and gold leaf on Arches paper.

Today, she crafts luxurious contemporary pieces blending acrylics, oils, and metallic leaf, showcased in galleries and art fairs, while engaging with collectors through social media. You can find Misty’s work on her website or in person at the Atlanta Dogwood Festival in April or the Decatur Arts Festival at the beginning of May.

Find Misty’s work at her virtual gallery, her website, of follow her on Instagram.

🌐 Misty Kelischek