Community Art, Friendship, and Healing: Artsville’s Partnership with the Ferguson Family YMCA in Candler

Podcast 3 min read

In this enlightening podcast episode, Artsville’s Louise Glickman has the pleasure of chatting with two remarkable individuals, Wendy Newman and Stephanie Munn, who shed light on the profound impact of art in nurturing and fortifying communities. Stephanie, the Director of the Ferguson Family YMCA in Candler, North Carolina, joins us alongside photographer and recent graduate from Artsville's fall cohort of Virtual Gallery Artists, Wendy Newman.  Newman is a multi-talented force of creativity in her roles as a photographer, fashion designer, volunteer, and marketing expert.

Designer and Photographer Wendy Newman

Stephanie kicks off the conversation by unveiling the heartfelt mission of the YMCA, a beacon of inclusivity and camaraderie. With a diverse array of programs catering to all ages and backgrounds, the YMCA stands as a foundation for community connectivity, fostering friendships, and igniting passions.

“The [YMCA] stands here to be more than just a gym but to be an organization that can help us build a stronger, better community.” — Stephanie Munn [0:09:27]

Wendy then regales us with her eclectic journey as a photographer and fashion aficionado, sharing anecdotes from her ventures into the realm of art therapy with cancer patients and her tireless endeavors to infuse art into the fabric of various organizations and events.  Through all of her experiences, Wendy carries an explorer’s spirit traveling new paths forward and pushing past modern conventions. Through Wendy’s lens, we witness the magic of collaborative endeavors and wearable art, each piece a testament to the unifying force of artistic vision.

“Learn the rules so you can break them.” — Wendy Newman [0:14:37]

As we delve deeper, the conversation unfolds into a rich tapestry of themes, touching upon the significance of forging friendships, cultivating safe havens for families and children, and the transformative power of art. We explore the symbiotic relationship between art and community, unraveling the threads that weave individuals together through shared creativity and expression.

Photograph by Wendy Newman

Wendy humbly shares poignant moments from her experiences photographing terminally ill children and cancer patients, illustrating the profound solace and healing that art can offer in times of adversity.  Stephanie chimes in with insights into the latest offerings from the YMCA, underscoring the manifold benefits awaiting members and the pivotal role of community engagement in fostering a sense of belonging, health and well-being.

“Art has a way of building community. And I've already thought of so many other ways that we can involve art into the existing programs that we offer.” — Stephanie Munn [0:31:35]
Artsville featured the work of artist Cynthia Llanes at the Ferguson Family YMCA

As our conversation draws to a close, we reflect on the imperative of active involvement with organizations like the YMCA, beckoning all to join hands in nurturing vibrant communities.  Listen now and embark on a journey of discovery, where art intertwines with the very essence of community, illuminating our path with hope, compassion, and boundless creativity. For a full list of our events with the Ferguson Family YMCA and to get details on Wendy’s class, click here.

Episode 28 with Wendy Newman and Stephanie Munn

**Key Takeaways from Our Conversation:

  • Artsville's Growth: Exciting updates on Artsville's evolution and new opportunities for 2024.
  • Candler and Enka's Art Scene:  A glimpse into the artistic landscape of these historic communities.
  • YMCA's Inclusive Mission: Discover the YMCA's unwavering commitment to building communities through diverse, inclusive programs.
  • Artist-Community Engagement: Wendy's inspiring workshops that foster meaningful connections between artists and their communities.
  • Collaborative Art: Explore the enchanting world of wearable art featuring Wendy's captivating photography.
  • Empowering Offerings from the YMCA: Stephanie shares the latest programs and member benefits offered by the YMCA.
  • The Healing Power of Art:  Wendy's touching experiences capturing moments of solace and resilience through photography.
  • Getting Involved: Learn how you can become an integral part of the YMCA community and make a difference in the lives of others.

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